How to select the best python course

If you’re looking for the best python course , the options may appear baffling and also overwhelming. There are many online sites that claim that they can teach you Python within 30 minutes. Obviously that doesn’t make sense. But you would be perplexed to know how many people fall for that type of promotional strategy. You surely don’t want to be one of them. On the contrary, you will also get here day boot camps which might cost thousands of dollars or more. These are legit, and many of them provide top notch training. However, for most people they’re not truly the best option. These boot camp style events are possibly the best choice if you already have some experience in any other programming language and have to learn python in a rush for any work assignment. But what if you are a complete fresher to python? What if you want to learn this versatile language but don’t have any experience in programming. In that situation, are you ready to spend thousands of dollars on a boo...